Implant Dentures – Denton, TX
Regaining a Permanent Smile
Traditional dentures leave much to be desired when you consider the messy adhesives, accidental slippage, frequent replacements, and significant maintenance. Fortunately, at Prime Dentistry, we are pleased to offer our patients a superior alternative – implant dentures in Denton. These titanium posts make it possible to create a stable and permanent structure that offers maximum functionality, enhanced aesthetics, and greater longevity. If you want to take charge of your oral health and start living life to the fullest, contact us today to schedule an implant denture consultation.
What Are Implant Dentures?

Made of titanium and mimicking the tooth’s root is what is known as a dental implant. When placing between four and six of these tiny structures into your jawbone, you have what is referred to as an implant denture. Tooth loss often causes the jawbone to deteriorate over time; however, if treated early enough, or with the help of a bone graft, we can place a designated number of dental implants into the jawbone to create a solid foundation for your customized denture. Once the full smile is complete, you will find these prosthetics are the only solution capable of restoring teeth from their roots to their crowns.
During your initial consultation with Dr. Ahir, you will determine whether you prefer a fixed or removable denture:

Requiring between four and six dental implants in Denton, a fixed denture, also known as a hybrid prosthesis, cannot be removed by anyone other than a skilled implant dentist. You will need ample jawbone to receive this type of denture, but it is easy to clean and maintain.

If you lack enough jawbone to support a fixed denture, you can opt for a removable prosthetic, also referred to as a “Snap-On denture.” It only requires between two and five dental implants and is held in place with a bar-retained or ball-retained device. You can easily remove it before going to bed, so you can clean your artificial teeth and prosthetics.
The Implant Denture Process

The process of receiving dental implants takes time. Although no two cases are alike, everyone must follow the same type of procedure to obtain these permanent prosthetics. This unique procedure includes:
- An initial consultation with a member of our dental team. They will evaluate you to determine if you are eligible for treatment as well as if you need preliminary treatments.
- Dental implant surgery that includes receiving local anesthesia from your implant dentist in Denton before incisions are made in the gums. The bone is then exposed, and each implant is carefully put into place before the gum tissue is closed. A protective healing cap is placed over the top of each implant.
- Osseointegration, as the bone and implant must fuse. This occurs over 3-6 months. Because you’ll be recovering at home, you’ll need to follow careful instructions from our team during this time.
- The delivery of your final restoration, as you will officially receive your new denture, which will be put into place by our dental team. You can then begin to start enjoying your new smile.
Am I a Candidate for Implant Dentures?

Dr. Ahir must evaluate your smile before you can move forward with dental implant placement. This involves a scheduled consultation that will involve digital imaging, careful examination, and precise treatment planning.
While looking at your oral cavity and facial structures, we will consider if you are in good overall health to undergo minor oral surgery. He will also determine if you have any signs of gum disease, as this will require periodontal therapy if you do. Finally, if your jawbone is lacking, you can either undergo a bone graft or pursue All-On-4 implants.
Benefits of Combining Dentures & Dental Implants

Combining dentures and dental implants allows patients who want a permanent solution to enjoy a complete smile that will not slip or need to be replaced every 5-10 years. Other great benefits that come with implant dentures include:
- The ability to eat your favorite foods that are filled with vital nutrients and good for your mouth and body.
- An easy-to-maintain solution that doesn’t require special cleaning supplies or messy adhesives.
- A way to reduce your risk for systemic issues that often stem from tooth loss (i.e., diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis).
- The chance to enjoy a functional smile for 30 years or even a lifetime.
- The opportunity to save money on a tooth replacement solution that, although costlier upfront, offers the opportunity to save big when it comes to maintenance over the years.

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