Can Your Gums Put You at Risk for Heart Disease?

February 3, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — primedentistrytx @ 5:43 pm
a person showing their red gums

Gum and heart disease are serious conditions, both of which are becoming more common among adults in the United States. With millions suffering from poor gum health and who unaware they have it to the rising risk of heart disease among 35-64-year-olds, it should come as no surprise that there might be a link between the two. Since February is American Heart Association Month as well as Gum Disease Awareness Month, take some time to learn more about the connection between the heart and your gums and why seeing your dentist can help prevent worsening oral and overall health problems.


Sick in Bed? 4 Ways to Stay Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

January 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — primedentistrytx @ 5:05 pm
a woman blowing her nose while in bed

When cold and flu season hit, you might be tempted to walk around with an arsenal of hygiene products. From antibacterial hand wash to disinfectant spray, the germs are everywhere and avoiding it is almost impossible. Your kids have runny noses and your colleagues spend half the day coughing profusely, so what do you do if you end up catching it? Let your dentist share 4 ways you can stay healthy and spend less time in bed.


How Holiday Stress Can Impact Your Teeth

December 6, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — primedentistrytx @ 4:16 pm

man with jaw pain

The holidays are often lauded as a time of joy and cheer, but the carols never seem to mention how stressful the holiday season can be. Making sure all the gifts are sent out and worrying how you’re going to pay for them can really take a toll on your mental health. Not only that, but the stress can manifest in physical ways as well. In terms of your oral health, stress can cause a harmful condition known as bruxism. Let’s talk more about what bruxism is, and how you can put a stop to it.


5 Reasons You Don’t Want to Lose Your Dental Benefits

November 26, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — primedentistrytx @ 6:49 pm

Dental InsuranceThe end of the year has almost arrived, and you’ve just realized you still have dental insurance benefits remaining. You might think that waiting until your benefits reset next year won’t make much of a difference, but the truth is that decision could cost you hundreds of dollars in savings! If you’re not sure whether making an end-of-the-year dental appointment is worth it, here are 5 reasons why you should always strive to get the most value out of dental insurance.


5 Tips from Your Dentist for Managing Halloween Candy

October 17, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — primedentistrytx @ 5:59 pm

Halloween CostumesHalloween can be frightening fun for parents and children alike, but it can also put you face to face with the very real fear of cavities. The sugar in all that candy your little ones collect will encourage the bacteria in their mouths to create acid that wears away enamel. To avoid this decay, here are 5 tips from your dentist on what to do with your Halloween candy once November arrives.


What Is the Purpose of Dental X-Rays?

September 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — primedentistrytx @ 5:37 pm

dentist pointing to a dental x-ray

It seems like every time you go in for a checkup, your dentist wants an x-ray taken. This is because it’s important for identifying problems that can’t easily be seen otherwise. While it’s not exactly the most fun thing to do, taking dental x-rays is crucial for your oral health. Let’s take a closer look at the 3 types of x-rays there are and what issues they can detect.


Dentist-Approved Back to School Lunches for Your Kids

August 3, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — primedentistrytx @ 7:37 pm

Boy smilingNow that August is officially here, it’s almost time for your kids to go back to school. Have you gotten everything they need on their back to school list? Are there any positive habits you want them to start forming? The end of summer is a great time for you and your little one to set health and educational goals. As a parent, there’s an easy way that you can help keep your son or daughter’s teeth in good shape even when they’re at school! Keep reading to learn some of the best foods you can pack to keep your kids’ smiles healthy and shining.


What You Need to Know About Living with Sensitive Teeth

July 25, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — primedentistrytx @ 2:15 pm

Close up of teethDo your teeth hurt whenever you try to enjoy some piping hot tea or a refreshing frozen yogurt? Don’t worry, you’re not alone; about 40 million Americans suffer from tooth pain when eating certain foods or drinking certain beverages. It’s important to understand why your pearly whites react this way so that you can avoid unnecessary damage. Learn the truth about sensitive teeth – as well as some handy tips for taking care of them.


Learning About Expiration Dates of At-Home Dental Products

June 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — primedentistrytx @ 2:35 pm

ToothpasteYou just ran out of toothpaste, and you’re searching the cabinet for more. You manage to find one last tube, but according to the box, it expired about a year ago. Should you throw it out, or can you still use it and save yourself a trip to the store? There are various kinds of at-home dental products, and while some have expiration dates, others do not; moreover, while the consequences of using expired dental products are generally not as dire as eating expired food, it still may not be in your best interest to do so. Here’s what you need to know about various oral hygiene items when deciding whether you should throw them out.


3 Reasons to Have Summer Dental Appointments for Your Kids

May 13, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — primedentistrytx @ 8:21 pm

kids circle

It’s summer time! Now that your child is out of school, you can go on that family trip and have summer adventures together. No doubt, your child is excited to spend more time playing with friends, goofing off, splashing in the water, and doing all sorts of other fun activities. Well, mixed in with all that summer fun, you may want to consider taking your child to the dentist for one of their semiannual dental appointments. In this post, learn three reasons why now is a good time to get this necessary visit done. (more…)

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