Tooth Troubles: Will My Root Canal Hurt?

May 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — primedentistrytx @ 6:48 pm
Woman in pink shirt with brown eyes looking and dentist holding her jaw in pain

Have you been suffering from a persistent or suddenly severe toothache? Any tooth-related pain is considered abnormal and requires a visit to your emergency dentist. Dental issues don’t typically take care of themselves, so if you have a cavity or infection, there’s a good chance you’ll need a root canal to clear away decayed materials and restore your tooth’s functionality.

Many patients who learn they need this treatment worry that the procedure will be excruciatingly long and hurtful, so they avoid getting crucial care that can save their smile. Continue reading to learn the truth behind root canals and why you can set your mind at ease!

What is A Root Canal?

A root canal is a surgical procedure that allows your dentist to preserve teeth that might otherwise require extraction. If your pearly white develops a cavity or is chipped, cracked, or fractured then bacteria can easily penetrate through the enamel into the root. This can cause an infection in the tender nerves inside, which leads to irritation, inflammation, and discomfort.

Your dentist treats this by creating a small opening in your tooth to clear away any decayed material. Then, they sanitize and seal your tooth to prevent a repeat occurrence. Once that’s complete, they’ll cap it with a dental crown that looks just like your natural teeth, so no one will ever know there was an issue to begin with.

Are Root Canals Painful?

Many patients automatically assume that any invasive procedure, including root canals, will result in additional aches. Perhaps this was true in the past, but thanks to modern advancements in dental technology and techniques, this treatment alleviates more throbbing than it causes.

For example, your dentist will numb the area with a topical anesthetic to keep you comfortable. Many providers are also authorized to administer sedatives so that you don’t feel or remember much of anything from your procedure. Plus, digital cameras and imaging make it easier for them to see the hard-to-reach parts of your mouth, so they don’t have to press and pull to access your tooth.

Does Root Canal Recovery Hurt?

It’s normal to experience some mild to moderate discomfort as the anesthetic wears off after your procedure. Typically, over-the-counter medications like Tylenol and ibuprofen can sufficiently manage the sensation. It should fade over time and be gone within a few days. If you experience throbbing that doesn’t abate or gets worse, call your dentist so they can ensure you haven’t developed any complications.

The faster you follow through with your root canal, the sooner you’ll finally enjoy a well-deserved reprieve from your toothache!

About the Author

Dr. Dhiren Ahir has 20 years of experience helping patients enhance their lives by improving their oral health. He started his education in Ahmedabad, India and graduated from the Government Dental College and Hospital, then completed a three-year residency focused on endodontics (root canals). He later graduated from the renowned New York University College of Dentistry and now continues to take educational courses to stay up to date with current treatments and technology. He uses state-of-the-art equipment to help you feel comfortable during your procedure while simultaneously increasing the accuracy of your results. If you have a toothache and need an emergency appointment, you can contact the office on the website or by calling (940) 514-0333.

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